Ultimate 10-300 Acrobatic Airplane

Sports aircraft Ultimate 10-300 canadian firm Ultimate Aircraft Corporation. The prototype was built in 1985, produced in various versions for Amateur pilots, and in an acrobatic version. Aircraft can be purchased both in ready-made form and in the form of a kit for self-Assembly.

Helsinki-Vantaa Air Museum. Acrobatic plane Ultimate 10-300

Machine length 6.40 m, wingspan 5.95 m, empty weight / maximum 522/748 kg, maximum / cruising speed 402/305 kilometers per hour. Vertical speed up to 1000 meters per minute. The plane has a flight range of almost fifteen hundred kilometers and can be in the air for up to 5 hours, so it is very popular with fans of long-distance air travel. The Museum presents an acrobatic model 10-300, with an engine of 300 HP, the most power-armed aircraft of the series has an engine of 430 HP.

Helsinki-Vantaa Air Museum. Acrobatic plane Ultimate 10-300

Here you can also imagine yourself as a pilot performing aerobatics by watching a panoramic film taken from the cockpit of one of these aircraft.

Helsinki-Vantaa Air Museum. Exhibition of aerobatic aircraft